Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Journey Begins

It's hard to believe that nearly Five and a half years ago my life began. For me the journey of getting pregnant and having a child was life changing. Nothing could have prepared me for this earth shattering love and shift of view. Suddenly everything I did I saw through new eyes, I didn't like a lot of what I saw, and I knew I wasn't happy. I surrounded myself with people who didn't make me happy; a job that sucked the life out of me.

So. I quit my job. I put my focus back on me, my new daughter and my husband. I cut myself off from negativity. I started this new journey of mother and wife that God put before me. There is a lot of joy to be found in the simple and seemingly mundane, I just needed to be reminded.

Part of this joy is the knowledge that God will provide. Which brings me to part two of my story.

In my experience, it is usually when you're feeling pretty happy, and yes, a little bit invincible, maybe even (dare I say it) cocky...that the man upstairs decides to knock you down a peg or maybe six....

On December 23, 2010, we found ourselves with one very sick little girl.  What we thought was the flu turned into something much worse.  She started having difficulty breathing, then went into an almost catatonic state.  Scared to death we took her to the doctor, only to end up in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with her only a few hours later. We learned that our little girl was suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, and the following 12 hours were crucial for her survival. 

It was the scariest experience of our lives, and the details of the following week are hard to retell.  So many thoughts ran through our minds ranging from "how could we let this happen" to "what could we have done to prevent this?"  Now we know the answer to those questions.  There was nothing we could have done. 

We spent the better part of her recovery learning how to care for her again. There was a lot of crying, cuddles and love. It's very humbling as a parent to not have a clue how to feed your child, or learn you have to poke her with needles multiple times a day just to keep her alive. My husband and I learned just how strong our bond is and we learned how to work together to keep our two year old alive.

Four months after our daughter was diagnosed we welcomed our second child. Another girl. Shortly after our second daughters birth we transitioned Miss Lily (our Type 1) to an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor.  In November of this year  we welcomed our THIRD daughter and begrudgingly welcomed another autoimmune disease into our family.  Miss Lily was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. To say things are hectic in our house is an understatement. At times I feel like I have five newborns, all of them wanting my attention at once. But I honestly wouldn't change a thing.

Over the last three years of having diabetes, we've learned a lot and made a lot of changes in our lives to accommodate our little sweetie. Life with Diabetes has become our way of life; and now we're adding Celiac to that journey.  Through this blog I'll be sharing some of our day to day struggles and joys, our passion for food and our journey living a healthy lifestyle with both Type 1 and Celiac Disease.

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