Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cleaning up my act

Several times a year I am inexplicably overcome with the "urge to purge".  And no, I am not speaking about an eating disorder.  I'm talking about all of the "stuff" that clutters our lives.  Steals our focus, takes us away from the things that really matter.

As I go through clothes that don't fit, toys that aren't played with and kitchen items that are "just there". I realize just how much stuff I have, because at some point I thought it was cool.  Now it's just sitting in a drawer, box or shelf, collecting dust.....and it's weighing me down.... who needs all this stuff??  Someone else, that's who.

I cannot begin to explain to you the incredible lightness that I feel when I rid myself of stuff.  Simplicity makes me happy.  If I haven't used it in six months it is seriously up for "the vote".  Usually "the vote" consists of my husband and I reviewing items and determining if it is to be kept, sold, donated, or given to a friend.  We have come a long way in this process, we are VERY realistic. Sometimes drastically so.  We just love to get rid of stuff!!

Some people would think we are odd, but, when you are harboring items that you don't use, and you know someone else can make use of it to that person, makes you feel awesome.  It's a mutual happy ending. 

Making someone happy, makes me happy, and I feel like in some small way I am doing God's work.  And really, isn't that the goal?  So, I say, take some time to clean up your act and maybe in the process bless yourself and others!

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