Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fight the Battle

Three words have a lot of power.  I've been thinking about the power of three words for the last week or so. There is a certain combination in particular that has had a hold over me. When I think about them I realize how easy it is to say, but do you really mean it? And how awful if you do. It makes me sad.

Quite simply..."I give up". 

I've decided to delete these words from my vocabulary. I cannot and will not give up. I feel sorry for people who do.  There is a power in these words. What exactly are you giving up when you say them? Are you giving all of your strength and power away? Denying yourself the ability to succeed.

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent"  I ran across this quote today and decided it was a sign that I needed to get out the thoughts that have been swarming in my head.  Make a vow to never give up... I may be defeated by something in a moment, but determined to win the next.  No matter how difficult a situation may seem I will not give my power away. I will not say the words for sympathy, to say them would mean I'm questioning God. I will not do that.

I'm blessed to have such a wonderful partner in life. Together we have weathered the storms, stuck together, supported each other. Taken every obstacle course with our feet tied together like a three legged race.  Laughed in our moments of despair. Almost like insane people, sometimes we laugh hysterically when the moment is wrong.  It feels right all the same. I love that man!

"When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."
Psalm 94:19

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