Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to invite a Gluten Free Family to a Gathering

Ok, so having kids, we're invited to alot of social functions. I'm sure most of you parents who have multiple minions (I mean kids) can relate.  It can be a little complicated when you're a Type 1 Diabetic, then throw in the need for strictly Gluten Free food, you might find yourself staring into space fighting off a panic attack.

Soo.  The truth of the matter is, we make all of our own food. If you invite us to something, you can guarantee we will come prepared to meet our own needs.  There is nothing you need to do, unless of course you WANT to.  Emphasis on WANT. Please do not make a big deal out of us being different, it just makes us feel bad and emphasizes the fact that we're being left out from what everyone else is enjoying. This is especially worse for small kiddos.

Having said that, I've come up with a few tips for people who may want to invite someone with a special diet to a gathering. It's really simple actually.

1.  Don't make a big deal out of it. Your sisters, husbands, brothers, Wifes, Aunt doesn't need to know all about what we can or can't eat.  If we want to share,  WE WILL.

2.  Speaking of which, please avoid saying anything resembling, "well, what can you eat?!?" unless of course you really want to be educated and care.  Otherwise, just be quiet.

3.  If you plan on making Gluten Free foods, please ASK us for suggestions and how to prepare to avoid cross contamination. Trust me. You do not want to know what happens when we eat gluten.  It. Is. Not. Pretty.

4.  Just ASK us to bring special items for ourselves! We were already planning on it, but if you tell us what you are making, we can put an extra effort to bring similar items so our little ones don't feel left out.

5.  If you TRY to make us feel like we're included, it means a lot to us! Really, it does.  Trying to make foods that we can eat and keeping us included makes us FEEL INCLUDED!  So give it a shot, really, you'll make us feel the love.

6. If you're going to try making gluten free food, please avoid cooking areas and utensils that are known for harboring gluten.  Things like Toasters, wooden spoons or utensils, cutting boards, pots you use to cook pasta. Even condiments you might have double dipped into while making a sandwich.  Always, always cook the Gluten Free food first.

Last but not least, remember we're people first and we just want to have a good time.  Constantly thinking about what we can and can't eat gets really old!  Helping us to feel like our lives are as normal as possible is the best way to love us. 

Buying Gluten Free hot dogs and buns for the barbeque... Now that's love.  lol.